G/T Program Home Page

Contact Us

Diane Hay

Gifted and Talented Coordinator

Blytheville Elementary School

216 E. Moultrie Dr.

Blytheville, AR 72315

Phone: 870-763-5924

Referral Form

We encourage you to review characteristics of a gifted learner before clicking here for a copy of the GT student referral form. Please email Ms. Walker for more information, or with questions about the G/T Program.

Considerations when applying for the Gifted and Talented Program

When deciding if the GT Program is the right fit for your student, there are several important things to keep in mind. We encourage you to review characteristics of a "Bright Child" versus a "Gifted Learner," and to contact us with any questions you have about the referral process.

Text reading "Bright Child or Gifted Learner" with a group of cartoon children dressed as scientists, doctors, astrologists, and more

A Bright Child...

A Gifted Learner...

knows the answers

asks the questions

is interested

is highly curious

is attentive

is mentally and physically involved

has good ideas

has wild, silly ideas

works hard

play around, yet tests well

answers the questions

discusses in detail, elaborates

top group

beyond the group

listens with interest

shows strong feelings and opinions

learns with ease

already knows

6-9 repetitions for mastery

1-2 repetitions for mastery

understands ideas

constructs abstractions

enjoys peers

prefers adults

grasps the meaning

draws inferences

completes assignments

initiates projects

is receptive

is intense

copies accurately

creates a new design

enjoys school

enjoys learning

absorbs information

manipulates information



good memorizer

good guesser

enjoys sequential presentation

thrives on complexity

is alert

is keenly observant

is pleased with own learning

is highly self-critical