G/T Page Links
Contact Us
Diane Hay
Gifted and Talented Coordinator
Blytheville Elementary School
216 E. Moultrie Dr.
Blytheville, AR 72315
Phone: 870-763-5924
Referral Form
We encourage you to review characteristics of a gifted learner before clicking here for a copy of the GT student referral form. Please email Ms. Walker for more information, or with questions about the G/T Program.
Gifted and Talented Program
"Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach."
Albert Einstein
Blytheville School District's goals for gifted education:
Provide the most appropriate educational environment to foster the greatest potential
Develop critical and creative thinking skills
Extend and enrich academic concepts
Offer challenging experiences and bridge real world connections
Differentiate instruction to provide rigor and relevance to concepts taught
Project-based learning
GT Program General Information
Provide services that will identify gifted and/or talented students
Provide activities to develop critical thinking skills
Develop and improve the student's creativity and higher level thinking skills
Help students develop task commitment, to acquire and/or maintain adequate and realistic self-concepts, and to develop a sense of self-worth and responsibility to self and society
Be developed and implemented with input from students, staff, parents, and other community members
Enable the students to become self-directed and proficient in written and oral communication skills so that they may creatively share their products with others
Provide the educational programs and differentiated curriculum that will enable each student to develop his/her abilities to the fullest
Develop the student's skills for initiating, planning, and conducting independent research
Utilize the cultural and industrial resources of the region
Keep parents and community well informed
Provide an ongoing program of evaluation
Definition of Gifted and Talented:
Gifted and talented children and youth are those of high potential or ability whose learning characteristics and educational needs require qualitatively differentiated educational experiences and/or services. Possession of these talents and gifts, or the potential for development, will be evidenced through an interaction of above average intellectual ability, task commitment, and/or motivation, and creative ability.